Friday, 12 July 2013

Irulars cultural tradition (Masi Magam Festival )


Irulars are adivasis are living adjoining the forest depending on the forest for their livelihood. They have their own culture, which is unique in nature. They possess rich knowledge of herbal medicine. The majority of Irulars are living in north Tamil Nadu especially the districts of Kancheepuram, Thiruvallur, Villupuram and Cuddalore. They also do back water fishing as part of their livelihood.

Irula Woman
Origin and history:
Aadi Irulas
Irulars are one of the most backward tribes who are facing innumerable challenges. The name Irular bear a reference to the dark jungles they live in. A legend says that goddess was interested to create people who could collect honey without being stung by bees, and she created one out of her sweat, who was successful in collecting honey without being stung. Even now it is said that bees and wild life flee at the smell of Irulars sweat.   Another legend speaks of origin from irular Mara (tree)

   Irulars are classified into various subgroups based on linguistic and social variations. These are Malenadu Irular, Kasaba, Vettakkara Irular, Urali Irular and Villiyan. The first four subgroups share similar ethnic and linguistic features but with slight variations, and are mostly found in Nilgiris and so referred to as Nilgiri Irulars.  Villiyans (villu meaning bow -a reference to hunter) are ethnically and linguistically different. They speak Tamil dialect, and are also referred to as pambukaran (snakeman). They are the one found in Chengalpetu region.

Every clan among the Irular has its own chief called naatamkar, who also doubles up as medicine man and priest. Irulars are known for their expertise in snake bite treatment. It is interesting to read that they use powdered mixture of eight types of plants for snake bite. The bark of the tree (kuruvi or kodachaali) is given to the bitten person to chew if the patient gets sweet taste then it is identified as poisonous bite while if it tastes bitter then it is non poisonous.  After ascertaining poisonous bite, further steps are taken. And yes it is recorded to have worked. By the way leafs of vottam talai (couldn’t locate the scientific name) tree are used to commit suicide. Organic suicide anyone?!!

Kanniamma is the principal deity (Mariyamma in case of Nilgiris– Thurston mentions it as being Goddess of small pox) other deities are influenced by Hindu gods. Kanniamma is represented by five pots arranged in square with a single pot in centre filled with turmeric water. Some trees too are considered sacred, as also the termite mound. The fame of Irulars may lie in snake catching skills but their primary occupation happens to be honey collection, toddy tapping.  Irulars though non vegetarians avoid beef, rabbits, rats; porcupine etc is on the menu roasted termites are a culinary delicacy.

Kannimar varniththal is a Irularfortune teller; he beats the drum and shakes while his wife sprays turmeric water over him. Soon he is possessed by Kanniamman. His wife unties his tuft of hair, he shakes rapidly and hisses like snake. He calms and addresses the crowd as if he is the goddess, saying.

 Masi magam:

Masi  Magam festival 
Every year in Tamil month of Masi (11th month of Tamil calendar) celebrated magam festival, which falls on full moon day of masi. All the Irulars will assemble in the sea shore of historical place of Mahaballipuram. They worship their goddess Kanniammal. Their faith is that on that day after the prayer they will take Kanniammal to their house.
There are 7 Kannis, which means virgin girl. The seven kannis are- Ahaya kanni (sky), Antharakanni (salastrial), Javathukanni, allikanni, (water lilly), sonaikanni (spring), manjal kanni, (turmeric) etc.

Cultural Festival at seashore 
The day of Magam (one of the star in Hindu tradition) especially in the month of Masi gather in front of the temple called “Allava kovil”, which is located on the sea shore of Mahaballipuram. There is a “vellikambam” (pillar), which situated in front of the temple, where all souls will be present on particular day. This is the reason for the significant of the festival. It is paying homage to all the ancestors.

On the day of Magam festival all Irulars will gather at Mahaballipuram despite of their distance. It is overnight celebration. The method of worship is unique. They make steps on the sand; it will be 7, 16 or 21, which will be depends up on once vow. All the family will engage in auspicious activities such as marriage, spearing the ear and shaving the head etc. In olden days people had to walk for even 15 days to reach Mahaballipuram. The entire community will stay on the beach. It is time for joy and celebration. In other words informally organized larger social network.

ITWWS’s intervention:
After the formation Irular Tribal Women Welfare Society (1986) identified Masi Magam festival as an occasion to create awareness among the Irular community as well as among the government officials. During the last more than 20 years ITWWS organizing cultural activities on the shore of Mahaballipuram, it aims to sensitize the people and raise the issues to the government. It is widely recognized by the Irular community. The federation members will perform various cultural activities and share their experience of community development. The government officials will be invited and witnessed the Irular’s culture and able listen to their issues. In other words, it is informal dialogue between Irular community members and government officials.

They named their Federation after their goddesses Kanniamma Irular women federation. The organization is doing excellent work in the field of Livelihood, education, health, political awareness, and conservation of environment. Irular are possessing rich traditional knowledge of medicinal system, which is based on natural products. They are love nature and take relentless effort to preserve. ITWWS has beautiful campus at Thandrai village, which is between Chengalpatt and Thirukalukundram. It is man made forest, which is maintained by the community. It is unique centre keeps almost good variety of east Deccan tropical forest trees.  Let us join hands and empower the Irular community and conserve Mother Nature along with them. 
Thank you Mr.K.K.Rajendran (CEO) Irular Tribal women welfare society 

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